With Great Customer Service Comes Great Customer Sales
Today’s business tip comes out of an article in the HVACR Business magazine. When looking at customer service, being adequate is just not good enough to stand up against your competition. The most shared reviews and experience tend to be negative ones, so what is your company doing to focus on the positive? To quote Pete Grasso, “you not only need to practice great customer service, you also have to encourage everyone at your company to go above and beyond.” Pete shared a story of a technician in Oklahoma stopping on the way to his service call because the dispatcher had notified him that his homeowner was stuck with a flat tire on the way home. Taking an extra 15 minutes out of his day, this technician went above and beyond to stop and help this homeowner. Not only was the homeowner extremely grateful for his kind act, she also shared her positive experience on Facebook, generating even more word of mouth referrals for this company. Take some time today to share ideas on how you can practice great customer service with each and every homeowner.